How To Write Content For Your Online Blog

Once you get your blog set up you will need to consider what kind of content you intend on putting on your blog. This is important because many people spend way to much time in this area when they really don't need to. When it comes to Niche Blogging you do not spend that much time on content creation at all.

How Many Words?

The main thing you need to remember here is that all you need on a niche blog is unique content that is informative but not too long. You don't need to write posts that are 1000 words long. I always try to keep my posts around 400-500 words long on any niche blog.

As you can see even on this blog, I try to keep my word count in my posts to about 400 words. This means that my posts are long enough to get indexed and to be considered as decent content by Google but at the same time it won't take too much of my time to fulfill. This is very important as many people who work online waste their time in areas that won't give you that much in return for the time you invest in them.

An important part of making money online with blogging is that you need to know exactly how much time you should be spending on each task. A task such as link building will take most of your time and content creation should take far less.

How Many Posts Should I Have On My Blog?

A lot of people ask me how many posts should I put on my niche blog? Well, that all depends really. Usually I say to start off with anywhere from 5-10 and then see where it goes from there. If your blog is doing alright then you probably don't need anymore content.

If your blog really starts to take off and is getting bigger and is making you a decent amount of money, then by all means maybe add a few more posts. This way you can build the site even more and target more keywords then before.


Tags are very important, and in Blogger they are called labels. Be sure to go through all your posts and pick tags that are relevant to what your blog and content are about. Each tag or label will create its own separate page in ether Word Press or Blogger, and this means that you will get more pages on your blog.

The more pages you have on your website the better off you will be with the search engines. Ideally you should pick somewhere between 5-10 tags per post that you make on each of your niche blogs. Try not to go over 10 because this can be seen as spamming and you may get in trouble from Google as a result.

At the end of it all you should try to get somewhere around 30 pages on your blog or website and that's all you really need to do. Be sure to create your home page, archive page, contact page and others that are necessary.

As you can see you really don't need to put that much effort in the content creation for these niche blogs. Just get what you need and go from there. Once you start getting traffic and clicks from Google AdSense you can decide on how you are going to grow your site.


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